SERENADE partners are associated with a large offer of university-level education in the field of nanoscience and nano-eco-toxicology with specific focus on health and environmental impact, Health-safety-environment & risk management, public health, bioengineering as well as entrepreneurship (in the domain of ‘nano’). With such an involvement, partners are already introducing the concepts of nanosciences and nanotoxicology to traditional curricula.
SERENADE develops a National Nanosafety (e)-Learning Community and Network to provide a unique opportunity for designing new approaches to teaching concepts of nanosciences, toxicology, ecotoxicology, eco-design, innovative business models and management practices.
Contact: Camille de Garidel-Thoron, Labex Serenade
Educational movies 'Have you heard?'
The series "Have you heard?" Is aimed at young audiences (15/18) and all science-seekers, in a slightly offbeat manner.For more informations and to watch the videos, follow the link!
« Safer By Design » days - Master C Nano
2019 « Safer By Design » day - LabEx SERENADE, Master CNano et C’Nano IDF
Objectif de la journée: Le LabEx SERENADE (Safe(r) Ecodesign Research and Education applied to NAnomaterial DEvelopment) regroupe des partenaires académiques et industriels autour de l’élaboration de nanomatériaux surs et innovants.2018 « Safer By Design » day - LabEx SERENADE, Master CNano
Objectif de la journée: Les nanomatériaux présentent à la fois des potentiels d'innovation importants et des risques associés au caractère nanométrique.« Safer by Design » Labex SERENADE- Master CNano 2017
At the national level, the project “CNANO-Safer by design” (Nantes Univ.) was funded and implemented. It consisted in organizing one-day awareness conference session towards CNANO master students.
Indeed the CNANO program ‘Nanosciences, Nanomatériaux, Nanotechnologies’ trains students on the synthesis, characterisation and modelling of properties of nanomaterials.
The aim of the project “CNANO-Safer by design” is twofold: 1) organization of one day conference to introduce all scientific aspects related to the safer by design 2) organization of one training session on the NANOCARAC and PNS platforms (Grenoble) during the annual study trip.
The one-day awareness conference took place the 7th of January 2017 in Nantes. 15 master students and around 30 researchers have attended the workshop.
10 Janvier 2017 de 10h15 à 16h00 à l’amphithéâtre de l’IMN, Nantes
Programme de la journée :
10h15-10h20 : Accueil et présentation de la journée. B Cathala-J.L. Duvail
10h20-11h00 : Bala Annangi (UPEC) : Toxicity of Nanoparticles emphasizing on respiratory
effects of Nanoparticles in humans and mice studies
11h00-1H30 : Jérome Rose (Directeur du Labex, CEREGE) : « Présentation labex SERENADE et introduction au safer by design » Titre à confirmer
11H30-12h00 : Jean-Yves Bottero (CEREGE) : « Fin de vie des nanoparticules et efficacité des Stations d’Epuration » Titre à confirmer
12h00-12h30 : Mélanie Affan (CEREGE) : « Exposure driven risk assessment » 12h30-13h30 Buffet
13h30-14h00 : Stephane Peyron (IATE) : Nanotechnologies et sécurité des emballages alimentaires 30 min (20 +10)
14h00-14h30 : Vincent Bartolomei (CEA-Grenoble) : Conception de peintures photocatalytiques par approche Safer by Design : Etude du relargage particulaire et de l’efficacité d’épuration d’air
14h30-15h00 : Danielle Slomberg (CEREGE) : Eco-SUN: Eco-design of Sunscreen Using titanium dioxide Nanoparticles
15h00-15h30 : Isabelle Capron (BIA) : « hybride nanoTiO2-nanocristaux de cellulose » Titre à finaliser 20 min (15 +5)
15h30-16h00 : Discussion générale étudiants- intervenants