Strategic plan
SERENADE LABEX (Safer(r) Ecodesign Research and Education applied for NAnomaterial Development) started the 5th of April 2012 and the kick-off meeting took place the 30th of May 2012. It creates a dynamic multidisciplinary network of 13 academic research laboratories and industries to design tomorrow’s nanomaterials that are safer for both humans and the environment. SERENADE does not focus only on the design phase, but addresses nanosafety during the entire life cycle of nanoproducts.
SERENADE benefits from state-of-the-art analytical facilities (Equipex NanoID, iCeint mesocosms, Ibisa, Animex, etc).
SERENADE created a momentum that favours collaborations between partners that were fostered with the new format of the call for proposals, agreed upon by all active partners consecutive to brainstorming sessions, resulting in large(r) scale case studies that started September 2015.
SERENADE education actions targeted master students (transformation of course contents offered within Master programs) and the workforces (Action nano defi, NANoCERT, PNS – safety showroom). The network interacts with agencies such as OECD, ISO, Ministries, European Commission, for regulatory, normative purposes also proposals review calls (ERANET SIINN...). SERENADE also developed a vigorous outreach program with various competitive clusters.
Please note the new sentences for the acknowledgementsIn english : "The project leading to this publication has received funding from Excellence Initiative of Aix-Marseille University - A*MIDEX, a French “Investissements d’Avenir” program, through its associated Labex SERENADE project".
The french version : "Ce travail a bénéficié d'une aide du gouvernement français au titre du Programme Investissements d’Avenir, Initiative d’Excellence d’Aix-Marseille Université - A*MIDEX" dans le cadre du Labex SERENADE".
Research Themes
From bilateral (2012-2014) to integrated projects (2015-2019) : advancing our understanding of nano impacts.Environnemental and Human Impacts
Several case studies are under investigation : NanoSTEP (STEP and biosolids) , EcoSun (sunscreen) , SafeTiPaint (paints)
Ag-Nw (silver nanowire) and Saquado (quantum dots) are two case studies on the impacts of nanotechnology
Food packaging
Case study on Safe-by-Design nanocomposite materials for food packaging applications