A new article by Jean-Yves Bottero on the SERENADE 's project published!

SERENADE: safer and ecodesign research and education applied to nanomaterial development, the new generation of materials safer by design,


Bottero, J.Y., Rose, J., de Garidel, C., Masion, A., Deutsch, Th., Brochard, G., Carrière, M., Gontard, N., Wortham, H., Rabilloud, T., Salles, B., Dubosson, M., Cathala, B., Boutry, D., Ereskovsky, A., Auplat, C.,  Charlet, L., Heulin, T., Frejafon, E. and Lanone, S., 2017.

Environmental Science : Nano, Advance Article,
