Nanotech-2016 will host leading scientists from academia and industry worldwide, to discuss the latest developments in the fields of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology. The conference aims to provide many interesting perspectives on how science and technology of materials from nano to macro level are changing rapidly, thereby providing new opportunities and challenges to explore to the scientists and engineers.

Scientific Federation aims to bring together front-line experts from multidisciplinary research and application areas to join this conference, to discuss the benefits of Nanotechnology and materials science in their Research and Development efforts to advance the networking, and collaborating between different academia, research and market leaders in the field and to stimulate the exchange of educational concepts.

Nanotech-2016 will introduce the delegates to the new developments and breakthroughs in many disciplines of nanotechnology and materials science through various speakers and workshop sessions. It will feature a scientific program of Keynote lectures and invited talks by world-eminent personalities, special sessions, debates, scientific discussions, oral and poster presentations of peer-reviewed contributions to share the most recently breaking research development, discovery and industrial progress from different disciplines in Nanotechnology and Materials Science.

Please, find more informations on the nanotech site