towards safer and eco-designed innovative nano materials.

Nanomaterial Research Themes

Nanomaterial Research Themes

SERENADE scientific programmation is based on five Priority Research Actions (PRA) to meet its objectives as to design tomorrow's nanomaterials that are safe for both humans and the environment to promote sustainable development.

Nanotechnology education

Nanotechnology education

Priority educational initiatives (PEI) which are core aspects of the project will enable education of the next generation of researchers and engineers to the multidisciplinary scientific and technological domains of nanosafety.

Nanoscience outreach

Nanoscience outreach

SERENADE endeavours to act as an interface between industry players, public authorities and the general public and scholars .To achieve this, it engages industrial and institutional partners in common dialogue as well as enlightened debate in society.

Safe(r) Ecodesign Research and Education applied to NAnomaterial Development

SERENADE : a Safe by Design Project

Nanomaterials are expected to be a key to innovation breakthroughs and to lead to many new applications by 2020 and further. This lead manufacturers to develop sustainable processes of production, taking account safety and acceptance considerations since first steps of the design and during the entire production of new-generation nanomaterials.

SERENADE is a Labex, i.e.and Excellence laboratory funded for 8 years by the French "Investissements d'Avenir" project. Labex SERENADE aims to build a dynamic network of academic research laboratories and industries to design tomorrow’s nanomaterials that will be safer for both humans and the environment. SERENADE is not focussed only on the design phase, but addresses nanosafety during the entire life cycle of nanoproducts, from the earliest production stages (pristine nanoparticles) to the end-of-life (recycling, disposal).

SERENADE prepares the future: it will develop lasting concepts, processes and tools and also train a new generation of scientists and skilled workers.

Last publications by the SERENADE researchers.

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