Please find attached the final announcement of a spICP-MS data analysis training workshop, which will be held at RIKILT - Wageningen University & Research (The Netherlands) from the 10th to the 12th of January 2017.

The workshop will focus on introduction to, handling and analysis of single particle ICP-MS data obtained from the measurement of simple and complex nanoparticle samples. The spICP-MS data will be analysed with the help of the RIKILT Excel calculation sheet and Nanocount software. 

The workshop is designed for PhD students and researchers from academia, industry and institutes experienced or interested in the nano characterization field.

The workshop is free of charge and only a limited number of places is available. Please register at

Deadline for registration is the 9th December 2016, 12pm CEST.

The organization team.


RIKILT Wageningen UR

Institute of Food Safety

PO Box 230

NL-6700 AE Wageningen

Visiting adress:

Akkermaalsbos 2, Building 123

6708 WB Wageningen, The Netherlands


RIKILT is part of Wageningen University & Research Centre