The Strategic Committee “Environment and Social Responsibility” of the French standardization body AFNOR (AFNOR/COS E_RS) is organizing a Brokerage Event on Circular Economy and Standardization : Partnering for Horizon 2020 calls,

15th January 2016 – Paris – Saint-Denis (AFNOR) - France


The objectives of this event are to present the European Union's new Work Programme 2016 – 2017 of the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation “Horizon 2020” and to prepare future cooperation actions between participants.

This current move towards a “circular economy” has been identified as a significant opportunity to develop business and to contribute to a resource-efficient and low-carbon economy. However some important barriers still limit this transition towards a circular economy : one of them is the lack of harmonized standards. Another one is that standardization is felt more as a brake than as a lever for economic activities.

The corresponding calls are “12 – Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials” and "17 - cross-cutting activities (focus area) - Industry 2020 in the Circular Economy" that will be “at the heart of how H2020 contributes to sustainably boosting economic growth and renewing Europe's industrial capacities in a world of finite resources”.

The event will focus on the links that exist between standardization actions and the implementation of a more circular economy, and on demonstrating how standardization can be used as a booster for R&D and for economy.

The following aspects will be investigated during pre-arranged meetings :

The contribution of standardization to the circular economy or how to make progress on the consumer or legal authorities confidence on sustainable products, design, consumption, raw materials versus recycled materials, new business models, etc.

1. The applicability and use of recycled/secondary materials/waste status exit (reliable and comparable information, measurement, metrology)

2. Stocks and flows in waste management and recycling : identification, classification and quantification, consistency of data regarding raw materials

3. Common understanding through agreed terminology, share the vocabulary and definitions in order to have an agreed and consistent approach

4. Promote interoperability and comparability with other materials

5. Trade of second-hand goods and spare parts

Milestones :

- pre-registration : by end of November

- in-line Workshop reflexions via fora on electronic platform from 2nd November 2015

- meeting 15th January 2016, in the form of a plenary session and three workshops

Who can participate ?

Companies R&D Staff, Trade associations, Research laboratories, Universities and research organizations, Scientific institutions, Project coordinators, Project partners looking for a coordinator, Project partners proposing competences, Companies/SMEs, , Associations.

Why to participate ?

- To make the link in between the various drivers of a successful move towards a more circular economy : market opportunities, policy and regulation, technical innovation and standardization,

- To get the latest information from the European Commission about Horizon 2020 next calls,

- To present, discuss and develop new project ideas and to facilitate the setup of project consortia : participants will have the opportunity to present their project ideas or competences during thematic workshops.

For any question or further information, please contact : Corrine Delcerro

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Afnor 2016 Brokerage Event
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