3 offres d'emploi au Chili, au sein du CIEP (centre d'études des écosystèmes de la Patagonie) sur le projet d'un laboratoire éco-climatique.
Les candidatures sont ouvertes jusqu’au 18 avril 2018.

1- Position: Researcher in climatology and coordinator of the Research initiative/program “Laboratorio Ecoclimático” of CIEP
Applicant requirements for the position
PhD in Biology, Marine Biology, Oceanography, Biochemistry, Forestry, Geosciences, Geomorphology or related research. It is desirable that the applicant should have a formation in Earth Sciences with emphasis in Climate studies.

2- Position: Post-­‐Doctoral researcher in climate modelling
Applicant requirements for the position
PhD in Biology, Marine Biology, Oceanography, Biochemistry, Forestry, Geosciences, Geomorphology or related research. It is desirable that the applicant should have a formation in Earth Sciences with emphasis in Climate studies.

3- Position: Post-­‐Doctoral researcher in Quaternary palaeoecology
PhD in Biology, Ecology, Geosciences, Geomorphology or related research. It is desirable that the applicant should have a formation in Earth Sciences with emphasis in Climate