Cher(e) collègue,

Je souhaite attirer votre attention sur l’ouverture de l’appel 2017-2018 pour les bourses Chateaubriand : ce programme de bourses, mis en place par l’Ambassade de France à Washington, a pour but de financer la venue de doctorants américains dans des laboratoires français, pour une période allant de 4 à 9 mois, dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche conjoint. Il vise notamment à initier ou à renforcer des coopérations de recherche entre vos équipes et des équipes américaines.


Vous trouverez ci-dessous, l'appel détaillé en français et anglais. Je vous remercie de bien vouloir diffuser largement ces informations auprès des personnes intéressées, au sein de votre Ecole Doctorale, de vos Laboratoires ou de votre réseau de contacts.

Bourses Chateaubriand 2017-2018 FR

Bourses Chateaubriand 2017-2018 EN

Je suis à votre disposition pour tout renseignement complémentaire,
Recevez, cher(e) collègue, nos salutations les plus cordiales.

Minh-Hà Pham
Conseillère pour la Science et la Technologie
Ambassade de France
4101 Reservoir Road, NW
Washington, DC 20007
Rachel MacFarland
Chargée de programmes, Service Scientifique
Ambassade de France
4101 Reservoir Road, NW
Washington, DC 20007

The Chateaubriand Fellowship call for applications is now open

Complete applications must be submitted by January 27, 2017

The Chateaubriand Fellowship is a grant offered by the Embassy of France in the United States. It supports outstanding Ph.D. students from American universities who wish to conduct research in France for a period ranging from 4 to 9 months. Chateaubriand fellows are selected through a merit-based competition, through a collaborative process involving expert evaluators in both countries.

The program is divided in two sections:

  • STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics & Health

The Chateaubriand Fellowship in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics & Biology-Health for doctoral students aims to initiate or reinforce collaborations, partnerships or joint projects between French and American research teams. The Chateaubriand Fellowship supports PhD students registered in an American university who wish to conduct part of their doctoral research in a French laboratory.


This fellowship is offered by the Office for Science & Technology (OST) of the Embassy of France in Washington in partnership with universities and research organizations in France and the United States. It is a partner of the National Science Foundation’s GROW program.


  • HSS: Humanities and Social Sciences

The Chateaubriand fellowship in Humanities and Social Sciences is offered by theCultural Services of the Embassy of France. The HSS program targets outstanding Ph.D. students enrolled in American universities who seek to engage in research in France, in any discipline of the Humanities and Social Sciences.


The HSS Chateaubriand program is supported by the Campus France agency which provides a welcome package and assistance to Fellows upon their arrival. Social networking opportunities are also offered by the Fulbright program in France.


  • Candidates must be currently working on their Ph.D.
  • Candidates do not have to be U.S. citizens, but they must be enrolled in an American university.
  • Candidates must obtain a letter of recommendation from their advisor(s) in the U.S., as well as a letter of invitation from a professor affiliated with a French university or research institution. Please contact your supervisor in France as early as possible.

For more specific eligibility criteria please visit our website.

  • A monthly stipend
  • Health insurance for the entire duration of the fellowship
  • A round-trip ticket to France


  • Academic relevance of the research project
  • Student's command of the subject
  • Benefits of a research trip to France for the future of the collaboration
  • Background of the research collaboration
  • Contribution of the project to France/U.S. academic exchange